Rebekah Neal and Jenny Smith provide the Meals on Wheels program to the Augusta community. Rebekah currently delivers meals to 12 people within the Augusta area. While using her own vehicle, she can deliver within a three-mile radius of town. If you live beyond that, you can still receive meals, but you will have to drive to town to pick them up. You can pick up a whole weeks’ worth of meals to take home with you, however it is best to call ahead to make sure they have enough meals ready for you. These meals are all available Monday through Friday, and if you need something for the weekend, they can send 2 frozen meals with you on Friday.
These meals can be picked up at the Senior Center, or if you prefer, you can dine in and enjoy the company of others. The cost for these meals is based on age. If you are over 60, it is a donation recommended of $5, under 60 is required $7 per meal.
Susan Carlstrom sometimes fills in and helps, and if you would like to volunteer as well, call the center and see what you can do to help.
Rebekah stated “I have been here for 5 years and before Jenny came almost a year ago, I was the cook and delivery. It’s a very rewarding job and I love it”